Karl Kreiner

HI I’m Karl.
Digital health researcher based in Austria.

Here is what I am doing right now.

About me

I am a passionate digital health researcher with a background in software engineering and information management. With 20 years of experience, my work centers on the development of innovative digital platforms for integrated care and chronic diseases. My interests extend to the secondary use of health data, particularly privacy-preserving record linkage and using Natural Language Processing for information retrieval from clinical text. Curious? Google Scholar has a complete list of my publications.

Professional experience

I am a senior research engineer at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in the Digital Health Information Systems group. My responsibilities include conducting research and creating digital health platforms, as well as project management and development. I have written and co-written numerous nationally (FFG) and internationally (e.g. EU FP7, H2020 and HEU grants) funded research projects acting as coordinator, work package and task leader and I also lead industry-funded projects.

In 2011 and 2013 I was a visiting researcher at National ICT Australia (NICTA) - now Data61 - in Canberra.

Teaching and supervision

I share my expertise as an affiliated lecturer at FH Joanneum and FH Wiener Neustadt while supervising internships, bachelor’s/master’s theses in collaboration with Graz University of Technology.